A child playing in front of the interactive module "Solar Immersion" in the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition. Credits: Daniel López/IAC. Download A child playing in front of the interactive module "Solar Immersion" in the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition. Credits: Daniel López/IAC. Created at 06/08/2015 Authors Daniel López Prieto Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Credits Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) Description A child playing in front of the interactive module "Solar Immersion" in the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition. Credits: Daniel López/IAC. Type: image Outreach
Imagen de José Carlos Sanluis y Alba Peláez, ingenieros de IACTEC, durante los ensayos de termo-vacío para la calificación del instrumento DRAGO Read more
Visitors to the "Lights of the Universe" exhibition studying the panels dedicated to the history of the IAC and its observatories. Credits: Daniel López/IAC Read more