New high-resolution, high-sensitivity Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope Hi synthesis observations of the spiral galaxy NGC 3631 are presented. In the total...
Atypical Mg-poor Milky Way Field Stars with Globular Cluster Second-generation-like Chemical Patterns
We report the peculiar chemical abundance patterns of 11 atypical Milky Way (MW) field red giant stars observed by the Apache Point Observatory Galactic...
AuriDESI: mock catalogues for the DESI Milky Way Survey
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument Milky Way Survey (DESI MWS) will explore the assembly history of the Milky Way by characterizing remnants of ancient...
Descriptions of eleven aurorae observed in the Canary Islands during the period 1770 - 2010 have been found in different documents. Most of them are coincident...
Automated Detection of Accelerating Solar Eruptions Using Parabolic Hough Transform
Solar eruptions such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed in the inner solar corona (up to 4 R ⊙) show acceleration profiles that appear as parabolic...
The overall reflectance of sunlight from Earth is a fundamental parameter for climate studies. We have designed and implemented small aperture, remote control...
The Gaia mission will have a profound impact on our understanding of the structure and dynamics of the Milky Way. Gaia is providing an exhaustive census of...
Automated Unsupervised Classification of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Stellar Spectra using k-means Clustering
Large spectroscopic surveys require automated methods of analysis. This paper explores the use of k-means clustering as a tool for automated unsupervised...
Automatic log spectrum restoration of atmospheric seeing
This paper presents an automatic method for (1) digital estimation of the width of the atmospherical seeing in astronomical images of extended objects and (2)...