The International Research on the Interior of the Sun (IRIS) helioseismometer measures the full disk line of sight velocity of the Sun. In fact, it makes a...
Fullerene Radiolysis in Astrophysical Ice Analogs: A Mass Spectrometric Study of the Products
The γ-radiolysis of fullerenes (C60 and C70) was performed to investigate the role of fullerenes as a carbon source in building organic molecules in...
Fullerene-indene adducts (ICMA & ICBA) in an astrochemical perspective part 1: chemical thermodynamics, stability and electronic absorption spectroscopy
Fullerenes and Buckyonions in the Interstellar Medium
We show that photoabsorption by fullerenes and buckyonions (multishell fullerenes) explain the shape, width, and peak energy of the most prominent feature of...
Fullerenes and the 4430 Å Diffuse Interstellar Band
The photoabsorption spectra of single-shell icosahedral fullerenes are investigated in the region of the strongest diffuse interstellar band at 4430 Å...
Fullerenes in the IC 348 star cluster of the Perseus molecular cloud
We present the detection of fullerenes C 60 and C 70 in the star-forming region IC 348 of the Perseus molecular cloud. Mid-IR vibrational transitions of C 60...
Fully adaptive Bayesian algorithm for data analysis: FABADA
The discovery potential from astronomical and other data is limited by their noise. We introduce a novel non-parametric noise reduction technique based on...
Fully cosmological virtual massive galaxies at z = 0: kinematical, morphological and stellar population characterization
We present the results of a numerical adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamical and N-body simulation in a Λ cold dark matter cosmology. We focus on the analysis...