Galactic-Field Initial Mass Functions of Massive Stars
Over the past years observations of young and populous star clusters have shown that the stellar initial mass function (IMF) appears to be an invariant...
Galaxies Going Bananas: Inferring the 3D Geometry of High-redshift Galaxies with JWST-CEERS
The 3D geometries of high-redshift galaxies remain poorly understood. We build a differentiable Bayesian model and use Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to efficiently...
Galaxies in the Universe are distributed in a web-like structure characterized by different large-scale environments: dense clusters, elongated filaments...
Galaxies with monstrous black holes in galaxy cluster environments
Massive early-type galaxies follow a tight relation between the mass of their central supermassive black hole (MBH) and their stellar mass (M⋆). The origin of...
Galaxies within galaxies in the TIMER survey: stellar populations of inner bars are scaled replicas of main bars
Inner bars are frequent structures in the local Universe and thought to substantially influence the nuclear regions of disc galaxies. In this study we explore...
Galaxies-intergalactic medium interaction calculation - I. Galaxy formation as a function of large-scale environment
We present the first results of hydrodynamical simulations that follow the formation of galaxies to the present day in nearly spherical regions of radius ~20h...
Galaxy Ages with Redshift z = 2–4: Stellar Population Synthesis for Candidates in FourStar Galaxy Evolution Survey
Observations of large amounts of massive galaxies with relatively old populations found at high redshifts are challenging galaxy formation scenarios within the...
Galaxy and cluster redshift observations in the Sextans-Leo region
Redshift observations of 30 clusters in the direction of the Sextans-Leo supercluster candidate are reported. The observations are part of a program which...
Galaxy classification: deep learning on the OTELO and COSMOS databases
Context. The accurate classification of hundreds of thousands of galaxies observed in modern deep surveys is imperative if we want to understand the universe...