Aims:We describe a new form of small-scale magnetic flux emergence in the quiet Sun. This process seems to take vertical magnetic fields from subsurface layers...
Magnetic field fluctuations in the shocked umbral chromosphere
Context. Umbral chromospheric observations show the presence of magnetoacoustic shocks. Several recent studies have reported magnetic field fluctuations...
Magnetic Field Information in the Near-ultraviolet Fe II Lines of the CLASP2 Space Experiment
We investigate theoretically the circular polarization signals induced by the Zeeman effect in the Fe II lines of the 279.3-280.7 nm spectral range of the...
Magnetic field strength in solar flux tubes - A model atmosphere independent determination
The "line ratio method" (Stenflo, 1973) has been extensively used in the past to carry out measurements of the magnetic field strength in spatially unresolved...
Magnetic field strength of active region filaments
Aims: We study the vector magnetic field of a filament observed over a compact active region neutral line. Methods: Spectropolarimetric data acquired with TIP...
Magnetic Field Structures and Turbulent Components in the Star-forming Molecular Clouds OMC-2 and OMC-3
The SCUBA polarized 850 μm thermal emission data of the OMC-2 region in Orion A are added to and homogeneously reduced with data already available in the OMC-3...
Magnetic Fields beneath Active Region Coronal Loops
We examine the hypothesis that multipolar magnetic fields advected by photospheric granules can contribute to heating the active chromosphere and corona. On...
Magnetic Fields in a Sample of Planet-hosting M Dwarf Stars from Kepler, K2, and TESS Observed by APOGEE
Stellar magnetic fields have a major impact on space weather around exoplanets orbiting low-mass stars. From an analysis of Zeeman-broadened Fe I lines measured...