Since its discovery in 1992, the superluminal X-ray transient GRS 1915+105 has been extensively observed in an attempt to understand its behavior. We present...
Multiwavelength Observations of a Dramatic High-Energy Flare in the Blazar 3C 279
The blazar 3C 279, one of the brightest identified extragalactic objects in the gamma -ray sky, underwent a large (factor of ~10 in amplitude) flare in gamma...
Multiwavelength observations of a VHE gamma-ray flare from PKS 1510-089 in 2015
Context. PKS 1510-089 is one of only a few flat spectrum radio quasars detected in the very-high-energy (VHE, > 100 GeV) gamma-ray band. Aims: We study the...
Context. Blazars are variable sources on various timescales over a broad energy range spanning from radio to very high energy (>100 GeV, hereafter VHE). Mrk 501...
Multiwavelength Observations of Short-Timescale Variability in NGC 4151. I. Ultraviolet Observations
We present the results of an intensive ultraviolet monitoring campaign on the Seyfert I galaxy NGC 4151, as part of an effort to study its short-timescale...
Multiwavelength Observations of Short-Timescale Variability in NGC 4151. IV. Analysis of Multiwavelength Continuum Variability
This paper combines data from the three preceding papers in order to analyze the multi-wave-band variability and spectral energy distribution of the Seyfert I...
Multiwavelength observations of the black hole transient Swift J1745-26 during the outburst decay
We characterized the broad-band X-ray spectra of Swift J1745-26 during the decay of the 2013 outburst using INTEGRAL ISGRI, JEM-X and Swift XRT. The X-ray...
Multiwavelength Observations of the Black Hole Transient XTE J1752–223 during Its 2010 Outburst Decay
Galactic black hole transients show many interesting phenomena during outburst decays. We present simultaneous X-ray (RXTE, Swift, and INTEGRAL), and optical...
Multiwavelength observations of the blazar 1ES 1011+496 in Spring 2008
The BL Lac object 1ES 1011+496 was discovered at very high energy (VHE, E > 100GeV) γ-rays by Major Atmospheric Gamma-ray Imaging Cherenkov (MAGIC) in Spring...