Preliminary Results on η‧ Photoproduction at Graal
The γp → η‧p reaction was studied near the threshold, in the 1.44 GeV> Eγ 1.55GeV energy range with the tagged photons of the former GRAAL experiment. The two...
Preparation of Kepler light curves for asteroseismic analyses
The Kepler mission is providing photometric data of exquisite quality for the asteroseismic study of different classes of pulsating stars. These analyses place...
Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: a comparison of observable and simulated intracluster light fractions
Intracluster light (ICL) provides an important record of the interactions galaxy clusters have undergone. However, we are limited in our understanding by our...
Preparing for low surface brightness science with the Vera C. Rubin Observatory: Characterization of tidal features from mock images
Tidal features in the outskirts of galaxies yield unique information about their past interactions and are a key prediction of the hierarchical structure...
Preparing for LSST data. Estimating the physical properties of z < 2.5 main-sequence galaxies
Aims: We study how the upcoming Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) data from the Vera C. Rubin Observatory can be employed to constrain the physical...
Preparing the COROT space mission: Incidence and characterisation of pulsation in the lower instability strip
By pursuing the goal to find new variables in the COROT field-of-view we characterised a sample of stars located in the lower part of the instability strip. Our...
Preparing the COROT Space Mission: New Variable Stars in the Galactic Anticenter Direction
The activities related to the preparation of the asteroseismic, photometric space mission COROT are described. Photoelectric observations, wide-field CCD...
Presentation of the reduction pipeline of the SONG échelle spectrograph
We give an overview of the spectral reduction pipeline that will be used to process the data of the échelle spectrograph of the SONG-OT telescope node of the...
Primary Black Hole Spin in OJ 287 as Determined by the General Relativity Centenary Flare
OJ 287 is a quasi-periodic quasar with roughly 12 year optical cycles. It displays prominent outbursts that are predictable in a binary black hole model. The...