An analysis of IRAS data for a sample of classical (optically selected) Seyfert galaxies is presented. The IRAS fluxes at 25, 60, and 100 μm are found to be...
Star formation in the Large Magellanic Cloud. III. A study of the regions LMC-30, LMC-45 and LMC-61.
In this paper we present the BV-CCD photometry of three stellar fields of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). They are taken at the center of V-charts of the...
Star Formation in the Local Universe from the CALIFA Sample. II. Activation and Quenching Mechanisms in Bulges, Bars, and Disks
We estimate the current extinction-corrected Hα star formation rate (SFR) of the different morphological components that shape galaxies (bulges, bars, and disks...
Star formation in the spiral arms of NGC 4321. I - CO observations
Several positions in the southern spiral arm and the interarm disk of NGC 4321 have been observed in CO (J = 1 to 0) using the NRO 45 m telescope at Nobeyama...
Star Formation in the Spiral Arms of NGC 4321. II. H i Distribution and Kinematics
We present H I 21 cm observations of the grand design spiral galaxy NGC 4321, as obtained with the VLA. From our original data, we have obtained data cubes with...
Star formation in the XMMU J2235.3-2557 galaxy cluster at z= 1.39
We present the first results of a narrow-band photometric study of the massive galaxy cluster XMMU J2235.3-2557 at z= 1.39. We obtained deep H narrow-band...
Star formation rates in luminous quasars at 2 < z < 3
We investigate the relation between star formation rates (dot{{M}}_s) and AGN properties in optically selected type 1 quasars at 2 z 3 using data from...
Star formation rates of distant luminous infrared galaxies derived from Hα and IR luminosities
We present a study of the star formation rate (SFR) for a sample of 16 distant galaxies detected by ISOCAM at 15 μm in the CFRS0300+00 and CFRS1400+52 fields...
Numerical simulations predict that metal-poor gas accretion from the cosmic web fuels the formation of disk galaxies. This paper discusses how cosmic gas...