
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Launching the VASCO Citizen Science Project
    The Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations (VASCO) project investigates astronomical surveys spanning a time interval of 70 years, searching for unusual and exotic transients. We present herein the VASCO Citizen Science Project, which can identify unusual candidates driven by three different approaches: hypothesis
    Laaksoharju, Mikael et al.

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  • Noble gases and nitrogen in samples of asteroid Ryugu record its volatile sources and recent surface evolution
    The near-Earth carbonaceous asteroid (162173) Ryugu is expected to contain volatile chemical species that could provide information on the origin of Earth’s volatiles. Samples of Ryugu were retrieved by the Hayabusa2 spacecraft. We measure noble gas and nitrogen isotopes in Ryugu samples, finding they are dominated by pre-solar and primordial
    Okazaki R. et al et al.

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  • First asteroid gas sample delivered by the Hayabusa2 mission: A treasure box from Ryugu
    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft returned to Earth from the asteroid 162173 Ryugu on 6 December 2020. One day after the recovery, the gas species retained in the sample container were extracted and measured on-site and stored in gas collection bottles. The container gas consists of helium and neon with an extraterrestrial 3He/4He and 20Ne/22Ne ratios
    Okazaki R. et al et al.

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  • First asteroid gas sample delivered by the Hayabusa2 mission: A treasure box from Ryugu
    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft returned to Earth from the asteroid 162173 Ryugu on 6 December 2020. One day after the recovery, the gas species retained in the sample container were extracted and measured on-site and stored in gas collection bottles. The container gas consists of helium and neon with an extraterrestrial 3He/4He and 20Ne/22Ne ratios

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  • A dehydrated space-weathered skin cloaking the hydrated interior of Ryugu
    Without a protective atmosphere, space-exposed surfaces of airless Solar System bodies gradually experience an alteration in composition, structure and optical properties through a collective process called space weathering. The return of samples from near-Earth asteroid (162173) Ryugu by Hayabusa2 provides the first opportunity for laboratory

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  • A probabilistic deep learning model to distinguish cusps and cores in dwarf galaxies
    Numerical simulations within a cold dark matter (DM) cosmology form halos whose density profiles have a steep inner slope (‘cusp’), yet observations of galaxies often point towards a flat central ‘core’. We develop a convolutional mixture density neural network model to derive a probability density function (PDF) of the inner density slopes of DM

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