Organizational Unit
Grants related:
This spectrum analyser, model HP 85462A, is used during the verifications required for guaranteeing the electromagnetic compatibility of the electronic devices developed in-house. It allows to perform spectral analysis between 9 KHz and 6,5 GHz, and a set of probes and antennas is available to be used accordingly with the wavelength range being used.
Related Technical facility

Electromagnetic Compatibility Laboratory
The laboratory is used for carrying out measurement and experiments in an environment completely isolated from external electromagnetic interferences.
Luis Fernando
Rodríguez Ramos

Electronic Design Laboratory
The laboratory has the necessary infrastructures for the development, integration and verification of electronic systems
Óscar Manuel
Tubio Araujo
Luis Fernando
Rodríguez Ramos
Related Capability

Design, development and manufacture of electronic systems
Within its capacity of building scientific instrumentation, the IAC has extensive experience in the design and development of electronic systems in general and, especially, for astronomical instruments and devices