
Technical facilities

The IAC has the infrastructures and the scientific and technical equipment necessary to carry out its technological support activities, both for the own projects of astrophysical instrumentation, as well as for external collaborations in R&D

  • View of a three-coordinate measuring machine in the laboratory. Granite table with a gantry machine with a meter sensor
    3D coordinate measuring machines.
    High precision three-coordinate measuring machines with and without contact
  • View of the head of the Laser Tracker System. Cylindrical device with optical and electronic components inside placed on a table
    3D Laser Tracker System
    Portable equipment for high precision measurements by optical means
  • Front view of the submicrometric meter. Electronic device with an indicator needle and several connectors and pilot lamps
    5-channel submicrometer measurement system
    Electronic equipment for measuring mechanical movements with high-precision
  • View of the alignment telescope in the laboratory. Small cylindrical telescope on an adjustable metal base
    Alignment telescope and accessories
    High precision telescope used for the alignment of optical systems.
  • General view of the aluminizing plant. Cylindrical machine of 3 m diameter open to allow the placement of a mirror in its interior
    Aluminizing chamber
    The aluminizing plant is used to replace the aluminum layer of the mirrors.
  • ATOS 5
    ATOS 5
    El escáner 3D ATOS 5 es un digitador óptico de alta resolución que proporciona rápidamente datos de medición tridimensionales precisos. Este sistema ofrece ventajas para medir superficies reflectantes y objetos con hendiduras. Proyecta patrones de franjas precisos sobre la superficie del objeto y son capturados por dos cámaras. Dado que las