As autumn began. with it came STARMUS, the multidisciplinary festival combining art, musio, astrophysics and space science, with which the Instituto de...
Starmus set to make Tenerife the world capital of astronomy
The STARMUS popular festival will unite world-famous researchers in space sciences and astronauts on the island of Tenerife from 21 to 26 March to open up this...
The Thursday sesión of the “Preserving the Skies” conference on La Palma finished with talks by representatives of international organizations such as UNESCO...
The Thursday sesión of the “Preserving the Skies” conference on La Palma finished with talks by representatives of international organizations such as UNESCO...
Stars from the world of literature “touch the sky” at the La Palma Observatory
The participants in the first Hispanoamerican Festival of Authors yesterday visit the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, invited by the Instituto de...
Stars rich in phosphorus: seeds of life in the universe
The journal Nature Communications today is publishing the discovery of a new type of stars, very rich in phosphorus, which could help to explain the origin of...
The Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) has participated in a study which has discovered a group of stars very poor in metals and shrouded in a high...
STARS4ALL, a platform to stimulate the European conscience about the need to defend dark skies
This project, part of the Horizon 2020 Programme, is designed to alert people about the need to preserve European night time landscape, and to warn about the...