First showing of the video "STARS AND THE INTERSTELLAR MEDIUM"
This is the fifth and final audiovisual production in the series "IAC Research" produced by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias with funding from the...
First successful tests of new planet hunter “CARMENES”
CARMENES, an outstanding novel astronomical instrument, which has been designed to look for Earth-like planets, has successfully passed first “on-sky” tests at...
The first test images from its two instruments show its potential for achieving its scientific goals. These images will be used to check the instruments and to...
In 2012 it was Venus. Now it’s time for Mercury to pass in front of the Sun. For nearly 8 hours on May the 9th, we will have the opportunity to see the Planet...
FOTONOTICIA: Eclipse total de superluna desde Canarias
El eclipse total de Luna, que tuvo lugar la madrugada de hoy, 28 de septiembre, entre las 3:11 y las 4:23 hora local en Canarias (una hora más en la Península...
FOTONOTICIA: El alcalde de La Laguna visita el IAC
Fernando Clavijo, alcalde de La Laguna, visitó ayer la sede central del Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC), localizada en este municipio, antes de...
FOTONOTICIA: Representantes del Partido Popular de Canarias visitan el IAC
Asier Antona, secretario autonómico del Partido Popular (PP) de Canarias y presidente del Grupo Popular en el Parlamento de Canarias, Antonio Alarcó, senador...