La Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria y el Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias han desarrollado un método para calibrar imágenes nocturnas de satélites...
Updating and Substantial Improvement of Activities Related to the Atmospheric Characterization of the Observatorios de Canarias - INSIDE OOCC
Keeping the Observatorios de Canarias (OOCC) among the most competitive sites in the World for astronomical observation requires a continuous effort to...
The useful time depends on the weather conditions at the Observatories, mainly wind speed, relative humidity, cloudiness and sky transparency (that is depending...
The water vapour (WV) is one of the constituent gases of the Atmosphere. Despite being a minor constituent, WV is a powerful greenhouse gas, with strong lines...
World experts prepare the first report for the United Nations on regulation of light pollution and mitigating the impact of satellite constellations
After a week of intense work, with the participation of almost a thousand researchers from all over the world, the online workshop “Dark and quiet skies for...
“GALACTICA”: the biggest panorama of the Milky Way is complete
200 nights of observation were needed, from both northern and southern hemispheres, to complete the biggest panorama of our Galaxy, the Milky Way. This IAC...