IAC Friends

Program activities

View of the Milky Way from the Teide Observatory (Credit: Daniel López)

Within the framework of the "Amigos del IAC" Programme, scientific culture and dissemination activities are organised so that our members can increase their knowledge of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias and the work carried out here. These activities are aimed at covering all the fundamental aspects in which the institute is involved, mainly the dissemination of information on astrophysics and the promotion of the Canarian Observatories. 

Type Activity Location Expected date Speakers Video
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: Vida más allá de la Tierra: a la caza de exoplanetas
Alonso Sobrino
Hans Jörg
Deeg Deeg
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: A Universe of Matter and Energy
Martín Camalich
Lottery IAC Friends: Sorteo de una Visita guiada al Observatorio del Teide

El ganador fue Fermín Galán Sánchez-Ballesteros. Enhorabuena Fermín!!

Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: IACTEC, Cutting-edge technological development in Tenerife New Robotic Telescope (NRT), The largest, fastest and most advanced robotic telescope in the world
Pablo Gustavo
Redondo Caicoya
Sandra Benítez
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: The History of the Universe in 24 hours

Due to technical problems, we do not have the original recording of this talk, however, a version of the same talk can be found on the IACvideos channel, at the link provided.

Alfredo Rafael
Rosenberg González
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: Massive stars, black holes and gravitational waves
Herrero Davo
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: The expansion of the Universe
López Corredoira
Carnero Rosell
Talk INTRODUCTORY TALKS TO ASTROPHYSICS: The Big Bang and the early Universe
José Alberto
Rubiño Martín
Talk Presentación del Programa “Amigos del IAC” para el periodo 2021-2022
Anselmo Clemente
Sosa Méndez
Pablo Carro
Hiking Senderismo Astronómico: Ruta por el Observatorio y las cañadas del Teide (Amigo STAR o superior)

Observatory and Cañadas del Teide

Visit Visita guiada virtual de “Amigos del IAC” a los Observatorios de Canarias

Reunión Virtual por ZOOM

Fair Ferias y eventos con participación del IAC

Several places

Contest Concurso y exposición de astrofotografía

IAC headquarters or  Museo de la ciencia y el Cosmos

Conference Congreso para “Amigos del IAC” (Amigo STAR o superior)

IAC headquarters (Zoom)

Contest Concurso "Propuesta de observación con telescopio robótico"

IAC headquarters (remote observation at the IAC)