
This section includes scientific and technological news from the IAC and its Observatories, as well as press releases on scientific and technological results, astronomical events, educational projects, outreach activities and institutional events.

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Hallan el segundo sistema planetario más cercano a la Tierra Press release
Dos galaxias muy brillantes “chocarán” a 13.000 millones de años luz Press release
Inaugurada una nueva Escuela de Invierno del IAC Press release
El Teatro Circo de Marte despide a la élite de la Astrofísica en rayos gamma Press release
Aplicaciones del transporte radiativo a atmósferas estelares y planetarias en la Escuela de Invierno del IAC Press release
"From La Palma to the sky" Press release
Discovering the Extreme Universe in Santa Cruz de La Palma Press release
Public talk in Garafía about Extreme Universe Press release
El consorcio del CTA celebra una reunión científica en La Palma Press release
The William Herschel Telescope in La Palma measures the size of a stellar-mass black hole jet Press release
Rompiendo el techo de cristal Press release
Policies of gender equality in Physics, from school to a research career Press release
El Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias recibe el Premio Taburiente 2017 Press release
La obra de teatro “El honor perdido de Henrietta Leavitt” se estrena mañana en Tacoronte Press release
Telescopes at the Canary Observatories observe the occultation of star by Triton Press release
"¿Quién fue Henrietta Leavitt?" Press release
Discovered a new family of red giant stars with an unusual chemical composition in the Milky Way Press release
The first images associated with a source of gravitational waves Press release
EL IAC presenta un proyecto de divulgación multidisciplinar para promover el interés en niñas por las vocaciones científicas y técnicas Press release
Henrietta Leavitt in Tacoronte too Press release
The European Solar Telescope will see its first light in 2027 Press release
Primeros resultados científicos de CARMENES Press release
The material that obscures supermassive black holes, the connection with their host galaxies Press release
The splendour of the Seven Sisters Press release
Astronomers use IAC instrument to probe the origins of cosmic rays Press release
La Palma signs a commitment to the installation of the Thirty Meter Telescope in the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Press release
Solved the mystery of the distribution of oxygen in outer areas of the Milky Way Press release
Presentation of the model of the European Solar Telescope at the Elder Museum of Las Palmas Press release
Imágenes del eclipse solar del 21 de agosto de 2017 Press release
An Open Day for inhabitants of Garafía celebrated at the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Press release
The return of Henrietta Leavitt Press release
21st August: the great American eclipse Press release
The Perseids 2017 Press release
NICOLÁS MELINI: “Mi experiencia en los Observatorios de Canarias ha sido muy intensa, emocionante y perturbadora” Press release
A gamma ray burst observed in unprecedented detail Press release
First light for MEGARA on the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS Press release
Next week Nicolás Melini will visit the IAC and the Canary Island Observatories Press release
"The night of the asteroids" on TLP Tenerife 2017 Press release
The IAC’s Strategic Plan for the next four years is approved Press release
Una nueva aventura astronómica para profesorado Press release
Discovered one of the brightest galaxies known Press release
Exploring the Universe, a course on Astronomy for Secondary School teachers has started Press release
Los telescopios PIRATE y COAST, inaugurados "por control remoto" Press release
GOTO, a new robotic telescope for the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory Press release
Latest advances in adaptive optics for giant telescopes Press release
The IAC will participate tomorrow in International Asteroid Day Press release
Más de 1.600 personas visitaron el Observatorio del Teide en sus Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas 2017 Press release
Fifth meeting on “Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes” inaugurated Press release
On the generation of solar spicules and Alfvenic waves Press release
JUAN JESÚS ARMAS MARCELO: “El IAC y sus Observatorios son una burbuja, como un oasis dentro de Canarias” Press release
Comienza la “VI Reunión Española de Física Solar y Heliosférica” Press release
Fifth edition of the “Adaptive Optics for Extremely Large Telescopes” meeting Press release
Juan Jesús Armas Marcelo visitará el IAC y los Observatorios de Canarias Press release
Open Days 2017 at the Teide Observatory Press release
Celebrada en Santander la XIII Reunión del Consorcio QUIJOTE Press release
“Ruta de las Estrellas 2017” competition – STARS4ALL for young European students Press release
III International Summer Course "Astronomy Adventure in the Canary Islands" for primary and secondary school teachers Press release
The installation of new telescopes at the Teide Observatory under study Press release
The installation of new telescopes at the Teide Observatory under study Press release
The Spaghetti Nebula, a new image by the IAC’s remote astrograph Press release
Discovery of a super-Earth near to the habitable zone of a cool star Press release
A new research window in Solar Physics: Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry Press release
"Exploring the Universe", a course of astronomy for secondary school teachers Press release
"GALÁCTICA": A deep view of the Milky Way Press release
Superbubbles in the interstellar medium Press release
The Rector and the Vice-rector of Research of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria visit the IAC and the Observatorio del Teide Press release
Revealed the morphology of a galaxy hidden by its bright nucleus Press release
El vicepresidente de la Academia de Ciencias de China y una delegación del NAOC visitan el IAC y los Observatorios de Canarias Press release
Ignacio Cirac visited the IAC and the Canary Observatories Press release
Students from La Palma measure the darkness at night over the island Press release
"Preserving the Skies" closes with a call for help from the main entities related to the protection of the night sky. Press release
Starry skies and sustainable development Press release
Preserve biodiversity and human welfare Press release
New technologies in astronomy and intelligent lighting Press release
A rocky super-earth has been found in the habitable zone of a cool star close to the Sun Press release
ÁNGELA VALLVEY: “No hay musa que pueda competir con el cielo de Canarias” Press release
The preparatory phase for the final design of the European Solar Telescope begins Press release
The longest stellar “dance” in a planetary nebula Press release
Ángela Vallvey will visit the IAC and the Canary Islands Observatories Press release
TMT International Observatory and the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) sign agreement on hosting the Thirty Meter Telescope in La Palma, Spain Press release
The European Research Council has awarded one of its prestigious “ERC Advanced Grants” to Javier Trujillo Bueno, CSIC Research Professor at the IAC Press release
“MarTIAnoS” in Lanzarote Press release
High School students in the Canary Islands discover two variable stars Press release
Detected the interstellar dust of one of the most distant galaxies Press release
M81 y M82, entre polvo y gas de la Vía Láctea Press release
The Tenth Spanish Virtual Observatory School begins Press release
A new look at the nature of dark matter Press release
Acuerdo para la explotación científica de los telescopios William Herschel e Isaac Newton en La Palma Press release
New data about two distant asteroids give a clue to the possible “Planet Nine” Press release
“Astrophysical Instrumentation”, an audiovisual tour of the technology and engineering developed at the IAC Press release
An application of Astronomy to save endangered species Press release
La galaxia de Andrómeda, primera imagen del “Fotomatón cósmico" Press release
Discovered one of the brightest distant galaxies so far known Press release
The 4th SOLARNET meeting "The physics of the Sun from the interior to the outer atmosphere" will start next Monday Press release
El Telescopio Liverpool, uno de los telescopios robóticos más grandes del mundo, cuenta ya con un edificio de apoyo instrumental que mejorará su rendimiento Press release