Sunspot seismic halos generated by fast MHD wave refraction
Aims: We suggest an explanation for the high-frequency power excess surrounding active regions known as seismic halos. Methods: We use numerical simulations of...
Super star clusters (M ecl > 105 M sun) are the largest stellar nurseries in our local Universe, containing hundreds of thousands to millions of young stars...
Super-Earth of 8 M⊕ in a 2.2-day orbit around the K5V star K2-216
Context. Although thousands of exoplanets have been discovered to date, far fewer have been fully characterised, in particular super-Earths. The KESPRINT...
Super-orbital variability of LS I +61°303 at TeV energies
Context. The gamma-ray binary LS I +61°303 is a well-established source from centimeter radio up to very high energy (VHE; E> 100 GeV). The broadband emission...
Superbursts at near-Eddington mass accretion rates
Models for superbursts from neutron stars involving carbon shell flashes predict that the mass accretion rate should be anywhere in excess of one tenth of the...
Superclustering with the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and Dark Energy Survey. I. Evidence for Thermal Energy Anisotropy Using Oriented Stacking
The cosmic web contains filamentary structure on a wide range of scales. On the largest scales, superclustering aligns multiple galaxy clusters along...
Superdense Galaxies and the Mass-Size Relation at Low Redshift
We search for massive and compact galaxies (superdense galaxies, hereafter SDGs) at z = 0.03-0.11 in the Padova-Millennium Galaxy and Group Catalogue, a...
Superdense Massive Galaxies in the ESO Distant Cluster Survey (EDisCS)
We find a significant number of massive and compact galaxies in clusters from the ESO Distant Clusters Survey (EDisCS) at 0.4 z 1. They have similar stellar...