Stellar seismology of gamma Dor pulsators in times of the CoRoT and Kepler satellite missions.

Fecha y hora
26 Mayo 2010 - 00:00 Europe/London


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Gamma Dor stars (M = 1.2-2.5 M⊙; spectral type A-F) are very interesting from an asteroseismic point of view. They show gravity modes, which are the only modes that provide information on the deep stellar interior. Observationally they are very challenging targets. Typical pulsation periods are of the order of a day and amplitudes are fairly small (below 0.05 mag; 2 km/s), making it extremely difficult to monitor the periodic variations from the ground. The asteroseismic space missions CoRoT and Kepler are providing uninterrupted time-series from space, with unprecedented accuracy, and hence promise a revolution in the study of gamma Dor stars. I will present results of the seismic analysis of CoRoT and Kepler gamma Dor targets, and the associated ground-based support observations, involving many telescopes at different observatories (including La Palma and Izaña).