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  • Development and quality control of PMT modules for the large-sized telescopes of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory
    The camera of the Large-Sized Telescopes (LSTs) of the Cherenkov Telescope Array Observatory (CTAO) consists of 1855 pixels that are grouped into 265 high-performance photomultiplier tube (PMT) modules. Each module comprises a seven-light-guide plate, seven PMT units, a slow control board, and a readout board with a trigger board. The requirements
    Saito, T. et al.

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  • ZF-UDS-7329: A relic galaxy in the early Universe
    The formation time scales of quiescent galaxies can be estimated in two different ways: by their star formation history and by their chemistry. Previously, the methods yielded conflicting results, especially when considering α-enhanced objects. This is primarily due to the time resolution limitations of very old stellar populations, which prevent
    Hartmann, Eduardo A. et al.

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  • Two almost planetary mass survivors of common envelope evolution
    White dwarfs are often found in close binaries with stellar or even substellar companions. It is generally thought that these compact binaries form via common envelope evolution, triggered by the progenitor of the white dwarf expanding after it evolved off the main sequence and engulfing its companion. To date, a handful of white dwarfs in compact
    Parsons, S. G. et al.

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  • Transit-timing variations in the AU Mic system observed with CHEOPS
    Context. AU Mic is a very active M dwarf star with an edge-on debris disk and two known transiting sub-Neptunes with a possible third planetary companion. The two transiting planets exhibit significant transit-timing variations (TTVs) that are caused by the gravi tational interaction between the bodies in the system. Aims. Using photometrical
    Boldog, Á. et al.

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  • TOI-5108 b and TOI 5786 b: Two transiting sub-Saturns detected and characterized with TESS, MaHPS, and SOPHIE
    We report the discovery and characterization of two sub-Saturns from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) using high- resolution spectroscopic observations from the MaHPS spectrograph at the Wendelstein Observatory and the SOPHIE spectrograph at the Haute-Provence Observatory. Combining photometry from TESS, KeplerCam, LCOGT, and
    Thomas, Luis et al.

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  • The wide binary frequency of metal-poor stars
    Context. This study is aimed at identifying possible low-mass and sub-stellar companions to stars with well-determined metallicities. We investigate the multiplicity of metal-poor stars along with its impact on formation processes in the conditions of the early universe. Aims. Our goal is to look for wide common proper motion companions to metal
    Lodieu, N. et al.

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