Atomic orientation in chromospheric lines.

Trujillo Bueno, J.; Martínez Pillet, V.; Sánchez Almeida, J.; Landi Degl'Innocenti, E.
Referencia bibliográfica

IAU Colloquium No. 141: The magnetic and velocity fields of solar active regions, p. 526 - 529

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Observations of the Stokes I and V profiles of the Ca II H and K lines in solar magnetic regions are presented. Least-squares fits of dI/dλ to V are obtained and the wavelength variation of the residuals, i.e. V-kdI/dλ, calculated. The authors find significant symmetric residuals in umbrae, which are in agreement with the effect on the V profiles due to atomic orientation, i.e. with the existence of an unequal population of the Zeeman sublevels with M > 0 with respect to those with M < 0.