Azimuthal dependence of the density distribution in outer galactic discs accreting intergalactic flows

López-Corredoira, M.; Betancort-Rijo, J. E.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 493, Issue 1, 2009, pp.L9-L12

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Aims: The amplitude and scaleheight of the Galactic gas disc density are not axisymmetric against expectations in a self-gravity axisymmetric disc. However, this lopsidedness can be explained in terms of intergalactic accretion flows, which produce non-axisymmetric pressure on the disc. This mechanism could be also responsible for the formation of a warp. Methods: We analytically derive the relationship between the disc density and the self-gravity and external pressure. Results: The same scenario of accretion as we proposed years ago to explain the formation of the warp explains the azimuthal dependence of the density and its scaleheight, with minimum/maximum in the positions of maximum amplitude of the warp (φ ≈ 95° and 275°), as expected from its pressure distribution.