The Duration of Starbursts in Eighteen Nearby Dwarf Starburst Galaxies

McQuinn, Kristen B.; Skillman, E. D.; Cannon, J. M.; Dalcanton, J.; Dolphin, A.; Hidalgo-Rodriguez, S.; Holtzman, J.; Stark, D.
Referencia bibliográfica

American Astronomical Society, AAS Meeting #214, #303.02; Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, Vol. 41, p.719

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The duration of a starburst is a fundamental parameter affecting the evolution of galaxies yet, to date, observational constraints on the durations of starbursts are not well established. We present the recent star formation histories (SFHs) of 18 nearby dwarf galaxies and rigorously quantify the duration of their starburst events using a uniform and consistent approach. We find that the bursts last on the order of a few 100 Myr resolving the tension between the shorter timescales often derived observationally with the longer timescales derived from dynamical arguments. If this sample of starburst galaxies is representative of bursts in dwarf galaxies, then the short timescales (3 - 10 Myr) associated with starbursts in previous studies are best understood as ``flickering'' events which are simply small components of the larger starburst. Additionally, we study the spatial distribution of the star formation in three systems in more detail. In all three cases, the enhanced star formation moves around the galaxy during the bursts and covers a large fraction of the area of the galaxy. These massive, long duration starbursts appear to be a global phenomenon that can have evolutionary scale impacts on the host galaxies and their surrounding intergalactic medium (IGM).