Di Pierro, F.; Doert, M.; Domínguez, A.; Dominis Prester, D.; Doro, M.; Eisenacher lawion, D.; Covino, S.; Cumani, P.; Da Vela, P.; Dazzi, F.; De Angelis, A.; De Lotto, B.; Delfino, M.; Delgado, J.; Colak, S. M.; Colin, P.; Colombo, E.; Contreras, J. L.; Cortina, J.; Bonnoli, G.; Carosi, R.; Carosi, A.; Chatterjee, A.; Berti, A.; Bhattacharyya, W.; Blanch, O.; Ahnen, M. L.; Ansoldi, S.; Antonelli, L. A.; Arcaro, C.; Babić, A.; Banerjee, B.; Bangale, P.; Barresde Almeida, U.; Barrio, J. A.; Becerra González, J.; Bednarek, W.; Bernardini, E.; Engelkemeier, M.; Fallah Ramazani, V.; Fernández-Barral, A.; Fidalgo, D.; Fonseca, M. V.; Font, L.; Fruck, C.; Galindo, D.; García López, R. J.; Garczarczyk, M.; Gaug, M.; Giammaria, P.; Godinović, N.; Gora, D.; Guberman, D.; Hadasch, D.; Hahn, A.; Hassan, T.; Hayashida, M.; Herrera, J.; Hose, J.; Hrupec, D.; Ishio, K.; Konno, Y.; Kubo, H.; Kushida, J.; Kuveždić, D.; Lelas, D.; Lindfors, E.; Lombardi, S.; Longo, F.; López, M.; Maggio, C.; Majumdar, P.; Makariev, M.; Maneva, G.; Manganaro, M.; Maraschi, L.; Mariotti, M.; Martínez, M.; Mazin, D.; Menzel, U.; Minev, M.; Miranda, J. M.; Mirzoyan, R.; Moralejo, A.; Moreno, V.; Moretti, E.; Nagayoshi, T.; Neustroev, V.; Niedzwiecki, A.; Nievas Rosillo, M.; Nigro, C.; Nilsson, K.; Ninci, D.; Nishijima, K.; Noda, K.; Nogués, L.; Paiano, S.; Palacio, J.; Paneque, D.; Paoletti, R. et al.
Referencia bibliográfica
Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 620, id.A181, 23 pp.
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Aims: We aim to characterize the multiwavelength emission from
Markarian 501 (Mrk 501), quantify the energy-dependent variability,
study the potential multiband correlations, and describe the temporal
evolution of the broadband emission within leptonic theoretical
scenarios. Methods: We organized a multiwavelength campaign to
take place between March and July of 2012. Excellent temporal coverage
was obtained with more than 25 instruments, including the MAGIC, FACT
and VERITAS Cherenkov telescopes, the instruments on board the Swift and
Fermi spacecraft, and the telescopes operated by the GASP-WEBT
collaboration. Results: Mrk 501 showed a very high energy (VHE)
gamma-ray flux above 0.2 TeV of ˜0.5 times the Crab Nebula flux
(CU) for most of the campaign. The highest activity occurred on 2012
June 9, when the VHE flux was ˜3 CU, and the peak of the
high-energy spectral component was found to be at ˜2 TeV. Both the
X-ray and VHE gamma-ray spectral slopes were measured to be extremely
hard, with spectral indices < 2 during most of the observing
campaign, regardless of the X-ray and VHE flux. This study reports the
hardest Mrk 501 VHE spectra measured to date. The fractional variability
was found to increase with energy, with the highest variability
occurring at VHE. Using the complete data set, we found correlation
between the X-ray and VHE bands; however, if the June 9 flare is
excluded, the correlation disappears (significance < 3σ)
despite the existence of substantial variability in the X-ray and VHE
bands throughout the campaign. Conclusions: The unprecedentedly
hard X-ray and VHE spectra measured imply that their low- and
high-energy components peaked above 5 keV and 0.5 TeV, respectively,
during a large fraction of the observing campaign, and hence that Mrk
501 behaved like an extreme high-frequency-peaked blazar (EHBL)
throughout the 2012 observing season. This suggests that being an EHBL
may not be a permanent characteristic of a blazar, but rather a state
which may change over time. The data set acquired shows that the
broadband spectral energy distribution (SED) of Mrk 501, and its
transient evolution, is very complex, requiring, within the framework of
synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) models, various emission regions for a
satisfactory description. Nevertheless the one-zone SSC scenario can
successfully describe the segments of the SED where most energy is
emitted, with a significant correlation between the electron energy
density and the VHE gamma-ray activity, suggesting that most of the
variability may be explained by the injection of high-energy electrons.
The one-zone SSC scenario used reproduces the behavior seen between the
measured X-ray and VHE gamma-ray fluxes, and predicts that the
correlation becomes stronger with increasing energy of the X-rays.
The multi-instrument light curves from Fig. 1, and the broadband SED
plots from Figs. 5-7 are only available at the CDS via anonymous ftp to
( or via
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