De Miguel-Hernández, Javier; Hoyland, Roger J.
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New Astronomy
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The fundamentals of the whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators are well established in the literature, with several successful proof-of-concept experiments. One remarkable benefit of this technology is the room-temperature operation. This characteristic could be used to build a new generation of radiometers that do not need to be cooled down to cryogenic temperatures to reach high sensitivities. In this article, a study of the viability of technological transfer is undertaken, beginning with a brief review of the theoretical background that will be applied and leading to a proposal for a novel spectro-polarimeter design. Simulations for a radiometer based on WGM resonance are analyzed and compared with state-of-the-art coherent receivers. The results are then discussed, finding that although promising, WGM technology needs R&D in several directions in order to be competitive, whose are suggested by the authors with the idea of inspiring the work of the researchers in the field towards a new direction or approach.
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