Zaragoza-Cardiel, J.; Beckman, J. E.; Font, J.; Rosado, M.; Camps-Fariña, A.; Borlaff, A.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 465, Issue 3, p.3461-3474
Fecha de publicación:
Número de citas
Número de citas referidas
We have observed three luminous infrared galaxy systems which are pairs
of interacting galaxies, with the Galaxy Hα Fabry-Perot system
mounted on the 4.2 m William Herschel Telescope at the Roque de los
Muchachos Observatory, and combined the observations with the Atacama
Large Millimeter Array observations of these systems in CO emission to
compare the physical properties of the star formation regions and the
molecular gas clouds, and specifically the internal kinematics of the
star-forming regions. We identified 88 star-forming regions in the
Hα emission data cubes, and 27 molecular cloud complexes in the CO
emission data cubes. The surface densities of the star formation rate
and the molecular gas are significantly higher in these systems than in
non-interacting galaxies and the Galaxy, and are closer to the surface
densities of the star formation rate and the molecular gas of extreme
star-forming galaxies at higher redshifts. The large values of the
velocity dispersion also show the enhanced gas surface density. The H II
regions are situated on the SFR - σv envelope, and so
are also in virial equilibrium. Since the virial parameter decreases
with the surface densities of both the star formation rate and the
molecular gas, we claim that the clouds presented here are
gravitationally dominated rather than being in equilibrium with the
external pressure.
Proyectos relacionados

Estudios Cinemáticos, Estructurales y de Composición, de los Medios Interestelares e Intergalácticos
El objetivo básico del proyecto es investigar la evolución de las galaxias mediante el entendimiento de la interacción del medio interestelar y las estrellas. La técnica principal que utilizamos es la cinemática bidimensional de galaxias enteras observada por nuestro instrumento GHaFaS, un interferometro Fabry Perot en el telescopio William
John E. Beckman