Oscillating red giants in eclipsing binary systems: empirical reference value for asteroseismic scaling relation

Themeßl, N.; Hekker, S.; Southworth, J.; Beck, P. G.; Pavlovski, K.; Tkachenko, A.; Angelou, G. C.; Ball, W. H.; Barban, C.; Corsaro, E.; Elsworth, Y.; Handberg, R.; Kallinger, T.
Referencia bibliográfica

Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 478, Issue 4, p.4669-4696

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The internal structures and properties of oscillating red-giant stars can be accurately inferred through their global oscillation modes (asteroseismology). Based on 1460 d of Kepler observations we perform a thorough asteroseismic study to probe the stellar parameters and evolutionary stages of three red giants in eclipsing binary systems. We present the first detailed analysis of individual oscillation modes of the red-giant components of KIC 8410637, KIC 5640750, and KIC 9540226. We obtain estimates of their asteroseismic masses, radii, mean densities, and logarithmic surface gravities by using the asteroseismic scaling relations as well as grid-based modelling. As these red giants are in double-lined eclipsing binaries, it is possible to derive their independent dynamical masses and radii from the orbital solution and compare it with the seismically inferred values. For KIC 5640750 we compute the first spectroscopic orbit based on both components of this system. We use high-resolution spectroscopic data and light curves of the three systems to determine up-to-date values of the dynamical stellar parameters. With our comprehensive set of stellar parameters we explore consistencies between binary analysis and asteroseismic methods, and test the reliability of the well-known scaling relations. For the three red giants under study, we find agreement between dynamical and asteroseismic stellar parameters in cases where the asteroseismic methods account for metallicity, temperature, and mass dependence as well as surface effects. We are able to attain agreement from the scaling laws in all three systems if we use Δ ν _ref,emp = 130.8 ± 0.9 μHz instead of the usual solar reference value.
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Helio and Asteroseismologia
Sismología Solar y Estelar y Búsqueda de Exoplanetas
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