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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Fully adaptive Bayesian algorithm for data analysis: FABADA
    The discovery potential from astronomical and other data is limited by their noise. We introduce a novel non-parametric noise reduction technique based on Bayesian inference techniques, fully adaptive Bayesian algorithm for data analysis (FABADA) that automatically improves the signal-to-noise ratio of one- and two-dimensional data, such as
    Sánchez-Alarcón, Pablo M. et al.

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  • The effect of stellar contamination on low-resolution transmission spectroscopy: needs identified by NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Study Analysis Group 21
    Study Analysis Group 21 (SAG21) of NASA's Exoplanet Exploration Program Analysis Group was organized to study the effect of stellar contamination on space-based transmission spectroscopy, a method for studying exoplanetary atmospheres by measuring the wavelength-dependent radius of a planet as it transits its star. Transmission spectroscopy relies
    Rackham, Benjamin V. et al.

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  • The entropy of galaxy spectra: how much information is encoded?
    The inverse problem of extracting the stellar population content of galaxy spectra is analysed here from a basic standpoint based on information theory. By interpreting spectra as probability distribution functions, we find that galaxy spectra have high entropy, thus leading to a rather low effective information content. The highest variation in
    Ferreras, Ignacio et al.

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  • Optical/X-ray/radio view of Abell 1213: A galaxy cluster with anomalous diffuse radio emission
    Context. Abell 1213, a low-richness galaxy system, is known to host an anomalous radio halo detected in data of the Very Large Array (VLA). It is an outlier with regard to the relation between the radio halo power and the X-ray luminosity of the parent clusters. Aims: Our aim is to analyze the cluster in the optical, X-ray, and radio bands to
    Boschin, W. et al.

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  • A temperate Earth-sized planet with tidal heating transiting an M6 star
    Temperate Earth-sized exoplanets around late-M dwarfs offer a rare opportunity to explore under which conditions planets can develop hospitable climate conditions. The small stellar radius amplifies the atmospheric transit signature, making even compact secondary atmospheres dominated by N 2 or CO 2 amenable to characterization with existing
    Peterson, Merrin S. et al.

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  • Characterisation of the upper atmospheres of HAT-P-32 b, WASP-69 b, GJ 1214 b, and WASP-76 b through their He I triplet absorption
    Characterisation of atmospheres undergoing photo-evaporation is key to understanding the formation, evolution, and diversity of planets. However, only a few upper atmospheres that experience this kind of hydrodynamic escape have been characterised. Our aim is to characterise the upper atmospheres of the hot Jupiters HAT-P-32b and WASP-69 b, the
    Lampón, M. et al.

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