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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • HARMONI at ELT: overview of the capabilities and expected performance of the ELT's first light, adaptive optics assisted integral field spectrograph.
    HARMONI is the first light, adaptive optics assisted, integral field spectrograph for the European Southern Observatory's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT). A work-horse instrument, it provides the ELT's diffraction limited spectroscopic capability across the near-infrared wavelength range. HARMONI will exploit the ELT's unique combination of
    Thatte, Niranjan A. et al.

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  • HARMONI- the Extremely Large Telescope first light integral field spectrograph: a novel control architecture to integrate the science instrument control system with that of adaptive optics
    HARMONI is the Extremely Large Telescope visible and near infrared integral field spectrograph and will be one of the first light instruments. The instrument supports four operational modes called No Adaptive Optics (NOAO), Single Conjugated Adaptive Optics (SCAO), High Contrast Adaptive Optics (HCAO), and Laser Tomography Adaptive Optics (LTAO)
    Schnetler, Hermine et al.

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  • Laboratory acceptance and telescope integration readiness of the Gran Telescopio Canarias adaptive optics system
    The Adaptive Optics system of the 10-m class Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTCAO) is completing the acceptance tests in the laboratory at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, to be ready for its integration in the telescope at Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory (ORM) in 2023. The AO system has been designed with robustness and operability as its
    Montilla, I. et al.

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  • Laboratory results of SCAO: getting ready for the EST MCAO
    The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a 4.2-metre telescope that will be equipped with a multi-conjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) system to provide a high spatial resolution over a circular field of view with 60" diameter. The EST-MCAO testbed is a downscaled demonstrator of solar MCAO with similar requirements to those defined for EST. It has been
    Gonzalez-Cava, Jose M. et al.

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  • Linear quadratic Gaussian predictive control for the Gran Telescopio Canarias AO system: design issues and first bench results
    The Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) will be soon equipped with an Adaptive Optics (AO) system. The GTCAO system is currently at the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), where tests and performance assessment are ongoing. The Institut d'Optique Graduate School-Laboratoire Charles Fabry (IOGS-LCF), through a collaboration with IAC, is exploring
    Marquis, Lucas et al.

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  • M1 Assembly for the EST: selection of the most promising baseline configuration for the preliminary design
    The European Solar Telescope (EST) is a 4-m class solar telescope that will be installed at the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos in La Palma (Spain). Two important factors make EST different from other similar size telescopes: high thermal load due to solar radiation and open dome configuration during observation. Therefore, the entire
    Mato, Angel et al.

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