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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Updated catalogue of the light curve solutions of contact binary stars
    The catalogue of the light curve solutions of contact binary stars was updated. Based on the catalogue data we call the attention to a remarkable gap in the temperature distribution of contact binaries which remained unexplained. The absolute dimensions of the components were calculated in a reliable way.
    Csizmadia, Sz. et al.

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  • Use of satellite data for astronomical site characterization
    The main goal of this work is the analysis of new approaches in order to study the properties of astronomical sites. The objective is to calibrate the atmospheric extinction provided by in situ techniques through remote sensing data retrieved from satellite-platforms. We have explored the usefulness of data provided by different spectrographs
    Varela, A. M. et al.

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  • Using color photometry to separate transiting exoplanets from false positives
    The radial velocity technique is currently used to classify transiting objects. While capable of identifying grazing binary eclipses, this technique cannot reliably identify blends, a chance overlap of a faint background eclipsing binary with an ordinary foreground star. Blends generally have no observable radial velocity shifts, as the foreground
    Tingley, B.

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  • V light curve of V567 Oph (Kiss+, 2002)
    We present differential CCD photometry for the high-amplitude delta Scuti star V567 Ophiuchi obtained in the Johnson V-band. It was observed on 15 nights in two consecutive years in order to resolve the long-standing ambiguity related to its secondary period. A frequency analysis of almost 5000 individual single-filtered measurements resulted in
    Kiss, L. L. et al.

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  • V838 Monocerotis
    IAUC 8235 available at Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams.
    Tapia, M. et al.

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  • VALES I: the molecular gas content in star-forming dusty H-ATLAS galaxies up to z = 0.35
    We present an extragalactic survey using observations from the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) to characterize galaxy populations up to z = 0.35: the Valparaíso ALMA Line Emission Survey (VALES). We use ALMA Band-3 CO(1-0) observations to study the molecular gas content in a sample of 67 dusty normal star-forming galaxies
    Villanueva, V. et al.

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