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  • Magnetic Field Components Analysis of the SCUPOL 850 μm Polarization Data Catalog
    We present an extensive analysis of the 850 μm polarization maps of the SCUBA Polarimeter Legacy (SCUPOL) Catalogue produced by Matthews et al., focusing exclusively on the molecular clouds and star-forming regions. For the sufficiently sampled regions, we characterize the depolarization properties and the turbulent-to-mean magnetic field ratio of
    Poidevin, F. et al.

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  • Magnetic Field Morphology Studied by Multi-scale Polarimetry in and around the Filamentary Dark Cloud GF-9
    We present a summary of results obtained by Poidevin & Bastien (2006) in the GF-9 core region. Multi-scale analysis is used and suggests that an original poloidal magnetic field could have been twisted by a rotating elongated (core+envelope) structure.
    Poidevin, F. et al.

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  • Magnetic Fields and the Outer Rotation Curve of M31
    Recent observations of the rotation curve of M31 show a rise of the outer part that cannot be understood in terms of standard dark matter models or perturbations of the galactic disk by M31's satellites. Here, we propose an explanation of this dynamical feature based on the influence of the magnetic field within the thin disk. We have considered
    Ruiz-Granados, B. et al.

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  • Magnetic fields of opposite polarity in sunspot penumbrae
    Context. A significant part of the penumbral magnetic field returns below the surface in the very deep photosphere. For lines in the visible, a large portion of this return field can only be detected indirectly by studying its imprints on strongly asymmetric and three-lobed Stokes V profiles. Infrared lines probe a narrow layer in the very deep
    Franz, M. et al.

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  • Magnetic Flux Emergence and its Interaction with AN Existing Coronal Field
    Not Available
    Galsgaard, K. et al.

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  • Magnetic Flux Emergence and its Interaction with AN Existing Coronal Field
    Not Available
    Galsgaard, K. et al.

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