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  • The SAMI-Fornax Dwarfs Survey - IV. Star formation histories of dwarf and early-type galaxies: insights from full spectral fitting
    We present a study on the star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies covering the range 10 4 < M ⋆/M ⊙ < 10 12, leveraging full spectral fitting algorithms. Our sample consists of 31 dwarf galaxies from the SAMI-Fornax Survey with stellar masses between 10 7-$10^{9.5} \, {\rm M}_{\odot }$, early-type galaxies from the ATLAS 3D project with stellar
    Romero-Gómez, J. et al.

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  • The stellar occultation by (319) Leona on 2023 September 13 in preparation for the occultation of Betelgeuse
    On 2023 December 12, the star α Orionis will be occulted by asteroid (319) Leona. This represents an extraordinary and unique opportunity to analyse the brightness distribution of Betelgeuse's photosphere with extreme angular resolution by studying light curves from different points on Earth and at different wavelengths. Here we present
    Ortiz, J. L. et al.

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  • A sample of dust attenuation laws for Dark Energy Survey supernova host galaxies
    Context. Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are useful distance indicators in cosmology, provided their luminosity is standardized by applying empirical corrections based on light-curve properties. One factor behind these corrections is dust extinction, which is accounted for in the color-luminosity relation of the standardization. This relation is
    Duarte, J. et al.

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  • Black hole masses for 14 gravitationally lensed quasars
    Aims: We have estimated black hole masses (M BH) for 14 gravitationally lensed quasars using Balmer lines; we also provide estimates based on MgII and CIV emission lines for four and two of them, respectively. We compared these estimates to results obtained for other lensed quasars. Methods: We used spectroscopic data from the Large Binocular
    Melo, A. et al.

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  • Chemical Analysis of the Brightest Star of the Cetus II Ultrafaint Dwarf Galaxy Candidate
    We present a detailed chemical abundance analysis of the brightest star in the ultrafaint dwarf (UFD) galaxy candidate Cetus II from high-resolution Magellan/MIKE spectra. For this star, DES J011740.53-173053, abundances or upper limits of 18 elements from carbon to europium are derived. Its chemical abundances generally follow those of other UFD
    Webber, K. B. et al.

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  • Evidence for Low-power Radio Jet-ISM Interaction at 10 pc in the Dwarf AGN Host NGC 4395
    Black-hole-driven outflows in galaxies hosting active galactic nuclei (AGN) may interact with their interstellar medium (ISM) affecting star formation (SF). Such feedback processes, reminiscent of those seen in massive galaxies, have been reported recently in some dwarf galaxies. However, such studies have usually been on kiloparsec and larger
    Nandi, Payel et al.

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