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  • TOI-4562b: A Highly Eccentric Temperate Jupiter Analog Orbiting a Young Field Star
    We report the discovery of TOI-4562b (TIC-349576261), a Jovian planet orbiting a young F7V-type star, younger than the Praesepe/Hyades clusters (<700 Myr). This planet stands out because of its unusually long orbital period for transiting planets with known masses (P orb = 225.11781 ${}_{-0.00022}^{+0.00025}$ days) and because it has a substantial
    Heitzmann, Alexis et al.

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  • Erratum: "TESS Hunt for Young and Maturing Exoplanets (THYME). VII. Membership, Rotation, and Lithium in the Young Cluster Group-X and a New Young Exoplanet" (2022, AJ, 164, 119)
    Newton, Elisabeth R. et al.

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  • A Multi-Wavelength Study of Magnetic Activity in Praesepe and Hyades
    Hyades and Praesepe are the oldest (≈700 Myr old) open clusters within 250 pc, and thus the oldest easily accessible ensembles of low-mass stars with a definitive age. This makes them indispensable laboratories for studying the relationship between stellar rotation and magnetic activity in a single-aged population to better understand the evolution
    Núñez, Alejandro et al.

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  • Astrophysical Implications of Non-Standard Dark Matter
    Overwhelming observational evidence suggests that 85% of all the matter in the universe is dark matter, a particle whose microscopic properties remain poorly constrained over many orders of magnitude. The current, widely assumed standard paradigm of a collisionless, cold dark matter (CDM) and dark energy cosmology called ΛCDM has proven to be very
    Cruz, Akaxia et al.

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  • BAWLAS: a Catalog of Chemical abundances for Weak and Blended Elements in APOGEE Spectra
    Elements with weak or blended lines are typically challenging to measure with the standard pipelines of spectroscopic surveys because these lines require a special treatment to measure precise chemical abundances. However, measuring the abundances of additional elements can open up opportunities to study a variety of topics from nuclear physics to
    Hayes, Christian et al.

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  • Detailed Elemental Abundances of a Super-Neptune Host Star Using High-resolution, Near-infrared Spectroscopy
    We present the first elemental abundance measurements of the K dwarf (K6) exoplanet-host star WASP-107 using high-resolution (R~45,000), near-infrared (H- and K-band) spectra from the IGRINS Spectral Archive. We use the previously determined physical parameters of the star from literature and infer the abundances of 13 elements, i.e., C, O, Na, Mg
    Hejazi, Neda et al.

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