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  • Mineralogical analysis of 14 PHAs from ViNOS data
    Near-Earth objects (NEOs) deserve our attention because they pose an impact risk for Earth. A good example is the Chicxulub impactor that produced the Cretaceous/Tertiary mass extinction event 65 Myr ago (Bottke et al. 2007). Up to now, more than 1 milion of asteroids have been discovered, and about 28,700 are cataloged as NEOs. This number
    Morate, David et al.

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  • NEOROCKS characterization programme of near-Earth asteroids previously observed with radar
    Introduction. The NEO Rapid Observation, Characterization and Key Simulations (NEOROCKS) project is funded (2020-2023) through the H2020 European Commission programme to improve our knowledge on near-Earth objects by connecting expertise in performing small body astronomical observations and the related modelling needed to derive their dynamical
    Medeiros, Hissa et al.

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  • New near-infrared spectra of (594913) 'Aylo'chaxnim, the first known asteroid orbiting inside Venus orbit
    IntroductionAsteroid (594913) 'Aylo'chaxnim, formerly designated as 2020 AV2, is the only one known to orbit inside Venus orbit. It was first observed by the Zwicky Transient Facility on January 4, 2020 (Bolin et al. 2020) and it may represent the largest member of a new population of small bodies with the aphelion distance smaller than 0.718 a.u
    Popescu, Marcel et al.

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  • On the nature of small planets orbiting low-mass stars
    Planets smaller than Neptune are ubiquitous in the Galaxy and those around M stars constitute the bulk of warm and temperate worlds amenable for detailed atmospheric characterization. In this talk, we present a re-analysis of all the available data on small transiting planets around M dwarfs, refining their masses and radii (Luque & Pallé 2022, in
    Luque, Rafael et al.

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  • On the study of atmospheric escape of exoplanets using the new window of the He 10830 line
    The key role that hydrodynamic escape has on the mass loss of the planets and their evolution is well known. This is particularly important for close-in planets because the extreme stellar XUV irradiation they receive causes them to undergo hydrodynamic atmospheric escape. Although the mass loss caused by this mechanism may not be high enough to
    López-Puertas, Manuel et al.

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