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  • Per Aspera ad Astra Simul - ERASMUS+ program supporting mobilities ofyoung astronomers from Spain, Czechia and Slovakia
    We will present the opportunities of an ERASMUS+ strategic partnership KA2 funding schemes which we used to support (not only) early career researchers in astronomy. ERASMUS+ is a general funding scheme and we describe here one particular project funding education and international partnerhsip of institutions in astronomical research. Our first
    Kabath, Petr et al.

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  • Physical characterization of asteroid (4660) Nereus
    IntroductionThe asteroid (4660) Nereus is considered one of the most accessible targets for a rendez-vous space mission. It was proposed as a possible target for the NASA Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) and for JAXA Hayabusa spacecraft. The lightcurve analysis and the radar shape modeling revealed a long rotational period of ≅ 15.16 ± 0.04 h
    Alexandru Mansour, Jad et al.

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  • Physical characterization of near-Earth objects from the IMPACTON project
    IntroductionAsteroids lightcurves have been used extensively to derive many important physical characteristics such as rotational properties (rotational period and pole direction) and shape (Kaasalainen et al., 2004; Hanus et al., 2011; Durech et al., 2015), as well as to identify and characterize binary asteroids (Pravec et al., 2006). In addition
    Monteiro, Filipe et al.

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  • Physical properties of NEOs derived from their phase curves
    IntroductionThe observation of NEOs allows us to study the physical characteristics of the smallest size bodies of our Solar System as well as to impose constraints on their origin and evolution. Considering that these objects are in unstable orbits over the age of the Solar System, this implies that it is a transient population, which can be
    Arcoverde, Plicida et al.

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  • Production rates of comet C2020/F3 (NEOWISE) from high resolution spectroscopy
    IntroductionComets are the leftovers from the formation of the Solar System. Understanding their composition allow us to investigate the physical and chemical processes occurring at the early stages of its formation. In this contribution we analyze high resolution spectra of comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) obtained with the High Accuracy Radial Velocity
    Munaretto, Giovanni et al.

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  • Small-ELF: a propotype for the future ExoLife Finder hybrid optical telescope
    Technology now exists to enable large optical systems that are capable of resolving and measuring faint sources not accessible with current remote sensing instruments and detectors. The possibility of creating ground-based telescopes at the 50m-scale with sufficient wavefront control to both fully overcome the effects of the atmosphere, but with
    Lodieu, Nicolas et al.

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