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  • The pulsations of PG 1351+489
    PG 1351+489 is one of the 20 DBVs - pulsating helium-atmosphere white dwarf stars - known and has the simplest power spectrum for this class of star, making it a good candidate to study cooling rates. We report accurate period determinations for the main peak at 489.334 48 s and two other normal modes using data from the Whole Earth Telescope (WET)
    Redaelli, M. et al.

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  • The quasar fraction in low-frequency-selected complete samples and implications for unified schemes
    Low-frequency radio surveys are ideal for selecting orientation-independent samples of extragalactic sources because the sample members are selected by virtue of their isotropic steep-spectrum extended emission. We use the new 7C Redshift Survey along with the brighter 3CRR and 6C samples to investigate the fraction of objects with observed broad
    Willott, C. J. et al.

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  • The Quijote Tgi
    The QUIJOTE TGI instrument is currently being assembled and tested at the IAC in Spain. The TGI is a 31 pixel 26-36 GHz polarimeter array designed to be mounted at the focus of the second QUIJOTE telescope. This follows a first telescope and multi-frequency instrument that have now been observing almost 2 years. The polarimeter design is based on
    Hoyland, R. et al.

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  • The Rapid Decay of the Optical Emission from GRB 980326 and Its Possible Implications
    We report the discovery of the optical counterpart to GRB 980326. Its rapid optical decay can be characterized by a power law with exponent - 2.10+/-0.13 and a constant underlying source at R_{{c}}=25.5+/-0.5 . Its optical colors 2.1 days after the burst imply a spectral slope of - 0.66+/-0.70 . The gamma -ray spectrum as observed with BATSE shows
    Groot, P. J. et al.

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  • The relation between the sérsic law shape along major and minor axes of elliptical galaxies
    In this paper we discuss the reason for the widely found discrepancy between Sérsic brightness law fitted along major and minor axes of elliptical galaxies. We show that this difference is a natural consequence of the isophotes eccentricity law. We present a mathematical transformation that allows to obtain the minor axis Sérsic's law from that of
    Ferrari, F. et al.

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  • The relative distances to the Virgo, Fornax and Coma clusters of galaxies through the D_n-sigma and the Fundamental Plane relations
    We derive the relative distances to the Virgo, Fornax and Coma clusters of galaxies by applying the D_n-sigma and the Fundamental Plane (FP) relations to the data of the homogeneous samples of early-type galaxies studied by Caon et al., Lucey et al. and Jorgensen et al. The two distance indicators give consistent results, the relative distance
    D'Onofrio, Mauro et al.

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