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  • Trigonometric parallaxes of young field L dwarfs
    Aims: We aim to determine the trigonometric parallaxes and proper motions of a sample of ten field L0-L5 dwarfs with spectroscopic evidence for low-gravity atmospheres. The ten sources were located in color-absolute magnitude diagrams and in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram for age and mass derivations and were compared with field and star
    Zapatero Osorio, M. R. et al.

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  • Truncated stellar discs in the near infrared. II. Statistical properties and interpretation
    The results obtained in Paper I are used to study possible relationships between the truncation radius of stellar discs in the NIR and structural parameters of the galaxies. The NIR truncation radius is larger for brighter galaxies, being proportional to V_mc with c ≈ 3/2, and with Vm being the asymptotic rotation velocity at large radii (when the
    Florido, E. et al.

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  • Truncated stellar disks in the near infrared. I. Observations
    We present NIR surface photometry of 11 edge-on galaxies obtained in the course of a long term project aimed at analysing the occurrence and type of the truncation of the outer disks. Observations were carried out at the 1.5 m CST (Carlos Sánchez Telescope) in Tenerife (Spain) using the CAIN infrared camera. 7 galaxies exhibit clear truncation on
    Florido, E. et al.

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  • Turbulent Erosion of Magnetic Flux Tubes
    Results from a numerical and analytical investigation of the solution of a nonlinear axisymmetric diffusion equation for the magnetic field are presented for the case when the nonlinear dependence of the diffusivity nu (B) on the magnetic field satisfies basic physical requirements. We find that for sufficiently strong nonlinearity (i.e., for
    Petrovay, K. et al.

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  • Two numerical processes for the calibration of photographic plates
    Not Available
    Collados, M. et al.

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