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  • 739 observed NEAs and new 2–4 m survey statistics within the EURONEAR network
    We report follow-up observations of 477 program Near-Earth Asteroids (NEAs) using nine telescopes of the EURONEAR network having apertures between 0.3 and 4.2 m. Adding these NEAs to our previous results we now count 739 program NEAs followed-up by the EURONEAR network since 2006. The targets were selected using EURONEAR planning tools focusing on
    Vaduvescu, O. et al.

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  • A carbon star outflow envelope about IC 418
    The results of near-infrared mapping, optical spectroscopy, and millimetric CO J = 2-1 observations of the halo about IC 418 are presented. As a result, it is confirmed that NIR emission extends outside of the principal emission shell, and into a zone characterized by weak optical grain scattering and (in all probability) strong FIR emission. An
    Phillips, J. P. et al.

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  • A case against an X-shaped structure in the Milky Way young bulge
    Context. A number of recent papers have claimed the discovery of an X-shape structure in the bulge of our Galaxy in the population of the red clumps. Aims: We endeavor to analyze the stellar density of bulge stars in the same regions using a different stellar population that is characteristic of the young bulge (≲ 5 Gyr). Particularly, we use F0-F5
    López-Corredoira, M.

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  • A catalogue of accurate wavelengths in the optical spectrum of the Sun
    We present accurate measurements of the central wavelengths of 4947 atomic absorption lines in the solar optical spectrum. The wavelengths, precise to a level ~ 50-150 m s(-1) , are given for both flux and disc-centre spectra, as measured in relatively recent FTS solar atlases. This catalogue modernizes existing sources based on photographic
    Allende Prieto, C. et al.

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  • A Chemical and Kinematical Analysis of the Intermediate-age Open Cluster IC 166 from APOGEE and Gaia DR2
    IC 166 is an intermediate-age open cluster (OC) (˜1 Gyr) that lies in the transition zone of the metallicity gradient in the outer disk. Its location, combined with our very limited knowledge of its salient features, make it an interesting object of study. We present the first high-resolution spectroscopic and precise kinematical analysis of IC 166
    Schiappacasse-Ulloa, J. et al.

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  • A Compact Radio Source Coincident with the Ultraluminous X-Ray Source IC 342 X-1
    We recently discovered an unresolved radio source coincident with the ultraluminous X-ray source (ULX) IC 342 X-1. The radio emission and hard X-ray spectrum of the source suggest that it is a compact object accreting in the X-ray hard/radio loud state. This enables use of the fundamental plane relation, found valid for stellar to supermassive
    Kaaret, Philip et al.

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