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  • Asteroids (65) Cybele, (107) Camilla and (121) Hermione: Infrared spectral diversity among the Cybeles
    We find a clear diversity in the 3 μm and 10 μm features of three Cybele asteroids: (107) Camilla, (121) Hermione, and (65) Cybele. (121) Hermione exhibits a "check-like" 3 μm feature, which may be attributed to OH-dominated minerals and (107) Camilla shows a rounded "bowl" like feature closer to that of (65) Cybele, which may be attributed to H2O
    Hargrove, Kelsey D. et al.

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  • Astrometry with Carte du Ciel plates, San Fernando zone. I. Digitization and measurement using a flatbed scanner
    Context: The historic plates of the Carte du Ciel, an international cooperative project launched in 1887, offers valuable first-epoch material for determining of absolute proper motions. Aims: We present an original method of digitizing and astrometrically reducing Carte du Ciel plate material using an inexpensive flatbed scanner, to demonstrate
    Vicente, B. et al.

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  • Astronomical Spectrograph Calibration at the Exo-Earth Detection Limit
    Following the development of the laser frequency comb which led to the 2005 Nobel Prize in Physics, we began investigating the possibility of using this novel technology for precise and accurate spectrograph calibration. A programme was begun, aimed at demonstrating the capabilities of laser frequency combs (LFC) when coupled to an astronomical
    Lo Curto, G. et al.

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  • Astronomical Telescopes at the Turn of the Century
    The final years of the XXth Century and the initial years of the XXIst Century are witnessing a revolution in the construction of large telescopes. This has been possible thanks to the availability of both thin mirror technologies and large computing power. Astronomy is thus benefiting from this. Indeed the turn of century has been rich with new
    Rodríguez-Espinosa, J. M.

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  • Astronomy and Cartography in Benahoare: an orientated map of the Canary island of La Palma in an ancient petroglyph
    The Canary island of La Palma (ancient Benahoare) is one the richest island territory of the world in rock art manifestations (Martín Rodríguez and Pais Pais, 1996); there are dozens of petroglyph stations in a territory of only 700 km2 . These groups of petroglyphs, carved in a delicate way by picking or lining techniques, often are
    Pérez Gutiérrez, M. et al.

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  • Astronomy and ritual in the protohistory of the southeast of the Iberian peninsula
    Along the first millennium BCE and up to the beginning of the Roman conquest at the end of III century BCE, the southeast part of the Iberian Peninsula was colonized by Phoenicians, Greeks and Punics. All these cultures influenced the religious and funereal world of the indigenous peoples. Tartessians and Iberians were the main Protohistoric
    Esteban, C.

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