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  • HD 17156 transit photometry & radial velocities (Barbieri+, 2009)
    This table contains the photometric time serie obtained for a series of transits of the planet HD 17156b. The first column gives the date as Barycentric Julian Days (BJD), the second one gives the flux normalized to the out-of-transit average value, and the third one gives the Identification code of each observation. (2 data files).
    Barbieri, M. et al.

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  • He 2-25, Th 2-B, 19W32: further links between bipolar planetary nebulae and symbiotic stars?
    Optical spectroscopy of the highly collimated bipolar nebulae He 2-25, Th 2-B and 19W32 is presented. He 2-25 and Th 2-B are found to have very dense (N_e~10^7 cm^-3) cores characterized by emission lines of low- to intermediate-ionization species, including rich [FeII] emission. The Hα profiles present broad non-Gaussian wings. These spectral
    Corradi, Romano L. M.

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  • Heat transfer in sunspot penumbrae. Origin of dark-cored penumbral filaments
    Context: Observations at 0.1 arcsec have revealed the existence of dark cores in the bright filaments of sunspot penumbrae. Expectations are high that such dark-cored filaments are the basic building blocks of the penumbra, but their nature remains unknown. Aims: We investigate the origin of dark cores in penumbral filaments and the surplus
    Ruiz Cobo, B. et al.

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  • Heavy duty complete extension slides
    The selection from available commercial market of a set of slides to be used in an habitable pressurised module in space, to draw a 660 mm box out of a rack, up to a completely extracted position in a safely supported configuration, seems in principle not to be a complicated task. That was the first approach taken in the design process of the
    Bueno, José Ignacio et al.

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  • Height variation of the cutoff frequency in a sunspot umbra
    Context. In the solar atmosphere, the acoustic cutoff frequency is a local quantity that depends on atmospheric height. It separates low-frequency evanescent waves from high-frequency propagating waves. Aims: We measure the cutoff frequency of slow magnetoacoustic waves at various heights of a sunspot umbra and compare the results with the
    Felipe, T. et al.

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  • Helioseismic Studies of Differential Rotation in the Solar Envelope by the Solar Oscillations Investigation Using the Michelson Doppler Imager
    The splitting of the frequencies of the global resonant acoustic modes of the Sun by large-scale flows and rotation permits study of the variation of angular velocity Omega with both radius and latitude within the turbulent convection zone and the deeper radiative interior. The nearly uninterrupted Doppler imaging observations, provided by the
    Schou, J. et al.

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