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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • IRS observations of ultraluminous ELAIS galaxies
    We propose to use the low spectral resolution capabilities of IRS to obtain high signal-to-noise mid-infrared spectra of a sample of 70 Ultra- and Hyperluminous extragalactic objects at high redshift discovered in the ELAIS survey. The European Large Area ISO Survey (ELAIS) offers the largest complete mid-IR, high-z, high-L extragalactic sample
    Perez-Fournon, Ismael et al.

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  • Is the initial mass function of low surface brightness galaxies dominated by low-mass stars?
    The rotation curves of low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies suggest that they possess significantly higher mass-to-light (M/L) ratios than their high surface brightness counterparts, indicating that LSB galaxies may be dark matter dominated. This interpretation is hampered by the difficulty of disentangling the disc and dark halo contributions
    Lee, Hyun-chul et al.

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  • Isophot-S, a low resolution 2.5 to 12 microns spectrometer for ISO
    The design, spectral coverage and sensitivity of Isophot-S, one of the four sub-experiments of Isophot, are described. Isophot-S is a low resolution near infrared spectrometer, designed to take full advantage of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) telescope with its low infrared background, wide field of view, and the complete absence of
    Wells, M. et al.

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  • Iteration Profiles in Radiative Transfer Problems. I. From Vectorial to Scalar Coupling
    We have recently introduced a new algorithm, the implicit integral method (IIM), for solving radiative transfer problems in which the specific source functions (for each frequency and direction) depend linearly on the radiation field via a single quantity which is independent of both frequency and direction. We define this kind of relationship as
    Crivellari, L. et al.

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  • IUE Observations of Cyg X-2: Some Ultraviolet Results from a Multiwavelength Campaign
    Not Available
    Vrtilek, S. D. et al.

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