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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Superstatistics:. Recent Developments and Applications
    We review some recent developments which make use of the concept of `superstatistics', an effective description for nonequilibrium systems with a varying intensive parameter such as the inverse temperature. We describe how the asymptotic decay of stationary probability densities can be determined using a variational principle, and present some new
    Beck, Christian

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  • SuperWASP Observations of the Transiting Extrasolar Planet XO-1b
    We report on observations of 11 transit events of the transiting extrasolar planet XO-1b by the SuperWASP North observatory. From our data, obtained during 2004 May-September, we find that the XO-1b orbital period is 3.941634 +/- 0.000137 days, the planetary radius is 1.34RJ +/- 0.12RJ, and the inclination is 88.92d +/- 1.04d, in good agreement
    Wilson, D. M. et al.

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  • Surface gravity and effective temperature of the K5 subdwarf G 224-58 A and Arcturus from the fits to Ti and MgH lines
    We discuss here the results obtained in the determination of effective temperatures and metallicities of late-type stars. We provide the abundances of MgH, TiI and TiII, with a list of selected lines, for the red giant of Arcturus and the metal-poor K subdwarf G 224-58 A. The Sun was used as a template star. After computing synthetic spectra for
    Kushniruk, I. O. et al.

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  • Surface photometry of early-type galaxies.
    In its most general acceptation, surface photometry is a technique applicable to any "extended" object, irrespective of the spectral band of the observational frame. The subject of this paper is restricted to the mapping of galaxies in the "standard" bands of the visible. By combining CCD images with deep large-field photographs, this technique
    Capaccioli, M. et al.

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  • Swift detects an X-ray burst and renewed activity from KS 1741-293
    An X-ray burst from the direction of the neutron star (NS) transient and thermonuclear burster KS 1741-293 triggered the Swift-BAT on 2011-09-01 at 12:07:22 UTC. The burst was detected only in the 15-25 keV band, lasted for about 10s, had a peak flux of (9.0+/-2.5)e-9 ergs/cm^2/s and an integrated fluence of (5.5+/-1.2)e-8 erg/cm^2 (both in the 15
    Linares, M. et al.

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  • Swift observations of the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17498-2921: from outburst to quiescence
    Swift has been monitoring the accreting millisecond pulsar IGR J17498-2921 since the start of its outburst in 2011 August 12 (ATels #3551, #3555, #3556). We detected two X-ray bursts on Aug. 18 and 28. During the first ~12 days the average persistent XRT count rate remained approximately constant at 3-7 c/s. Around Aug. 24 the source count rate
    Linares, M. et al.

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