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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • The Interacting Wolf-Rayet Galaxy Haro 15
    Only less than 150 Wolf-Rayet galaxies are actually known. Many of them are dwarf or irregular galaxies, and some show close companion objects. Peculiar morphological features, like mergers or tidal tails connecting small stellar aggregates, are found in many cases. Therefore, we think that interaction could be an important mechanism that triggers
    López-Sánchez, A. R. et al.

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  • The intrinsic three-dimensional shape of galactic bars
    We present the first statistical study on the intrinsic three-dimensional (3D) shape of a sample of 83 galactic bars extracted from the CALIFA survey. We use the galaXYZ code to derive the bar intrinsic shape with a statistical approach. The method uses only the geometric information (ellipticities and position angles) of bars and discs obtained
    Méndez-Abreu, J. et al.

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  • The ionizing radiation from massive stars and its impact on HII regions: results from modern model atmospheres
    We present a detailed comparison of the ionizing spectral energy distributions (SEDs) predicted by four modern stellar atmosphere codes, TLUSTY, CMFGEN, WM-basic and FASTWIND. We consider three sets of stellar parameters representing a late O-type dwarf (O9.5V), a mid-O-type (O7V) dwarf and an early O-type dwarf (O5.5V). We explore two different
    Simón-Díaz, S. et al.

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  • The isotopic mixture of barium in the metal-poor subgiant HD 140283
    Analyses of the abundances of neutron-capture elements have led to the belief that these elements in metal-poor stars are r-process products with relative abundances closely resembling those found in the Solar system. This picture was challenged by Magain, who found that a pure r-process mix of the barium isotopes was inconsistent with the mix of
    Lambert, David L. et al.

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  • The JWST Transiting Exoplanet Community Early Release Science Program
    With a 6.5-meter diameter primary mirror in space and a wavelength coverage from the visible to the mid-infrared, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will soon open new windows to scrutinize transiting exoplanets' atmospheres. It will provide missing clues to understand hot Jupiter's atmospheres such as the relative abundances of molecular
    Crouzet, N.

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  • The kinematics of the quadrupolar nebula M 1-75 and the identification of its central star
    Context. The link between how bipolar planetary nebulae are shaped and their central stars is still poorly understood. Aims: This paper investigates the kinematics and shaping of the multipolar nebula M 1-75, and briefly discusses the location and nature of its central star. Methods: Fabry-Perot data from GHαFAS on the WHT that samples the Doppler
    Santander-García, M. et al.

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