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  • Obscuration beyond the nucleus: infrared quasars can be buried in extreme compact starbursts
    In the standard quasar model, the accretion disc obscuration is due to the canonical dusty torus. Here, we argue that a substantial part of the quasar obscuration can come from the interstellar medium (ISM) when the quasars are embedded in compact starbursts. We use an obscuration-unbiased sample of 578 infrared (IR) quasars at z ≈ 1-3 and archival
    Andonie, Carolina et al.

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  • Oort cloud perturbations as a source of hyperbolic Earth impactors
    The observation of interstellar objects 1I/'Oumuamua and 2I/Borisov suggests the existence of a larger population of smaller projectiles that impact our planet with unbound orbits. We analyze an asteroidal grazing meteor (FH1) recorded by the Finnish Fireball Network on October 23, 2022. FH1 displayed a likely hyperbolic orbit lying on the ecliptic
    Peña-Asensio, Eloy et al.

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  • QUIJOTE scientific results - XIII. Intensity and polarization study of the microwave spectra of supernova remnants in the QUIJOTE-MFI wide survey: CTB 80, Cygnus Loop, HB 21, CTA 1, Tycho, and HB 9
    We use the new QUIJOTE-MFI wide survey (11, 13, 17, and 19 GHz) to produce spectral energy distributions (SEDs), on an angular scale of 1°, of the supernova remnants (SNRs) CTB 80, Cygnus Loop, HB 21, CTA 1, Tycho, and HB 9. We provide new measurements of the polarized synchrotron radiation in the microwave range. The intensity and polarization
    López-Caraballo, C. H. et al.

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  • SDSS-IV MaNGA: the role of the environment in AGN triggering
    The large- and small-scale environments around optically-selected AGN host galaxies and a control sample of non-active galaxies in the MaNGA survey have been investigated in order to evaluate the importance of the environment in AGN triggering. Using the MaNGA integral field spectroscopy, we quantify non-circular motions of the ionized gas and
    Rembold, Sandro B. et al.

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  • Seismic and spectroscopic analysis of nine bright red giants observed by Kepler
    Photometric time series gathered by space telescopes such as CoRoT and Kepler allow to detect solar-like oscillations in red giant stars and to measure their global seismic constraints, which can be used to infer global stellar properties (e.g. masses, radii, and evolutionary states). Combining such precise constraints with photospheric abundances
    Coelho, H. R. et al.

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  • Shedding far-ultraviolet light on the donor star and evolutionary state of the neutron-star LMXB Swift J1858.6-0814
    The evolution of accreting X-ray binary systems is closely coupled to the properties of their donor stars. Consequently, we can constrain the evolutionary track a system is by establishing the nature of its donor. Here, we present far-ultraviolet (far-UV) spectroscopy of the transient neutron-star low-mass X-ray binary J1858 in different accretion
    Castro Segura, N. et al.

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