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Además ofrece acceso al  repositorio de preprints del IAC:

  • Unraveling the Complexity of Dwarf Galaxy Dynamics: A Study of Binary Orbital Motions
    We investigate the impact of binary orbital motions on the dynamical modeling of dwarf galaxies with intrinsic line-of-sight velocity dispersions ( ${\sigma }_{{v}_{r}}$ ) of 1-9 km s -1. Using dwarf galaxies from the AURIGA level-2 and level-3 simulations, we apply the Jeans Anisotropic Multi-Gaussian Expansion modeling to tracer stars before and
    Wang, Wenting et al.

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  • Young nearby open clusters and their luminosity functions
    Context. Open clusters are groups of coeval stars sharing properties such as distance and metallicity, and they are key to understanding stellar evolution. Aims: Our main goal is to study the evolution of open clusters with a special focus on the universality of the luminosity function. Methods: We applied an upgraded version of the convergent
    Žerjal, M. et al.

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  • Void BAO measurements on quasars from eBOSS
    We present the clustering of voids based on the quasar (QSO) sample of the extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey Data Release 16 in configuration space. We define voids as overlapping empty circumspheres computed by Delaunay tetrahedra spanned by quartets of quasars, allowing for an estimate of the depth of underdense regions. To
    Tamone, Amélie et al.

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  • On the Magnetic Nature of Quiet-Sun Chromospheric Grains
    Ca II K grains, i.e., intermittent, short-lived (about 1 minute), periodic (2-4 minutes), pointlike chromospheric brightenings, are considered to be the manifestations of acoustic waves propagating upward from the solar surface and developing into shocks in the chromosphere. After the simulations of Carlsson and Stein, we know that hot shocked gas
    Martínez González, María Jesús et al.

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  • The truncation of the disk of NGC 4565. Detected up to z = 4 kpc, with star formation, and affected by the warp
    Context. The hierarchical model of galaxy formation suggests that galaxies are continuously growing. However, our position inside the Milky Way prevents us from studying the disk edge. Truncations are low surface brightness features located in the disk outskirts of external galaxies. They indicate where the disk brightness abruptly drops, and their
    Martínez-Lombilla, Cristina et al.

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  • TOI 4201 b and TOI 5344 b: Discovery of Two Transiting Giant Planets around M-dwarf Stars and Revised Parameters for Three Others
    We present the discovery from the TESS mission of two giant planets transiting M-dwarf stars: TOI 4201 b and TOI 5344 b. We also provide precise radial velocity measurements and updated system parameters for three other M dwarfs with transiting giant planets: TOI 519, TOI 3629, and TOI 3714. We measure planetary masses of 0.525 ± 0.064 M J, 0.243 ±
    Hartman, J. D. et al.

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