
This section contains the publications database that collects IAC articles published in scientific journals. Please, click on the arrow to see full search filter and sort options: author, journal, year, etc..

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  • Time-resolved infrared emission from radiation-driven central obscuring structures in active galactic nuclei
    The central engines of Seyfert galaxies are thought to be enshrouded by geometrically thick gas and dust structures. In this paper, we derive observable properties for a self-consistent model of such toroidal gas and dust distributions, where the geometrical thickness is achieved and maintained with the help of X-ray heating and radiation pressure
    Schartmann, M. et al.

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  • Too Few to be Relevant: Major Merger Statistics up to z ˜ 1
    We study the evolution of galaxy structure and of the major merger fraction since z ˜ 1 to present in GOODS-S field for MB ≤ -20 and M* ≥ 1010 Msun selected galaxies. We segregate the galaxies into early-type galaxies (ET, E/S0/Sa), and late-type galaxies (LT, Sb-Irr) by their position in the concentration-asymmetry plane, while we pick up high
    López-Sanjuan, C. et al.

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  • Towards an automatic classification of distortions as merging indicators in AGN host galaxies
    Does a merging event always precede AGN activity? In this starting PhD project, we will try to address this question by quantifying the distortions and interaction signatures that can be detected on a sample of AGN galaxies from the ACS-COSMOS survey. In order to do this, we will investigate and combine all the different available galaxy
    Cisternas, Mauricio et al.

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  • Towards ensemble asteroseismology of the young open clusters χ Persei and NGC 6910
    As a result of the variability survey in χ Persei and NGC 6910, the number of β Cep stars that are members of these two open clusters is increased to twenty stars, nine in NGC 6910 and eleven in χ Persei. We compare pulsational properties, in particular the frequency spectra, of β Cep stars in both clusters and explain the differences in terms of
    Saesen, S. et al.

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  • Towards the next frontier in high precision solar polarimetry: 10^-4
    In the last two decades, solar physics has greatly explored the 10^-3 polarimetric sensitivity level (referred to the continuum intensity). This has provided us with a quantitatively accurate picture of the photospheric magnetism for mean longitudinal fields in the range of about 5 Gauss. However, the same 10^-3 detection levels translate into a
    Martinez Pillet, V.

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  • Tracking the impact of environment on the galaxy stellar mass function up to z ~ 1 in the 10 k zCOSMOS sample
    We study the impact of the environment on the evolution of galaxies in the zCOSMOS 10 k sample in the redshift range 0.1 ≤ z ≤ 1.0 over an area of ~1.5 deg2. The considered sample of secure spectroscopic redshifts contains about 8500 galaxies, with their stellar masses estimated by SED fitting of the multiwavelength optical to near-infrared (NIR)
    Bolzonella, M. et al.

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