
Economic information: Grants


To see the Grants awarded by the IAC (Access the National Subsidy Advertising System) select "Convocatorias", Admon. del Estado: select:  Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación e Universidades;  Organo: select: Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias


  • Spanish contribution to the first five Medium Size Telescopes of CTA North (5MST-CTAN)
    The final objective of the operation is the production of five MST-type telescopes for the CTA-North site, at the Observatory from the Roque de los Muchachos. The Spanish contribution managed by the IAC is structure in a single action that will be covered with ERDF funds, together with the corresponding co-financing. This operation, together with
    García López
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Small-ELF: a propotype for the future 40-50m ExoLife Finder (ELF) hybrid optical telescope
    The objective of this proposal is to apply for funding to complete the construction and implementation of a 3.5 m prototype, dubbed Small-ELF, at Teide Observatory by 2025 as a demonstrator for the future ExoLife Finder (ELF), whose the scientific objective is the detection of biomarkers in the atmospheres of extrasolar planets. The technological
    Rebolo López
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Incorporation grants Juan de la Cierva: Call 2018. Alejandro Suárez Mascareño
    In the framework of the Subprograma Estatal de Formación and the Subprograma Estatal de Incorporación, of the Programa Estatal de Promoción del Talento y su Empleabilidad, within the framework of the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020 (action Juan de la Cierva- Incorporacion), call 2018, the researcher will
    Jonay Isai
    González Hernández
    Suárez Mascareño
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Near Earth Object Modelling and Payloads for Protection
    Multiple communities are now interested in NEOs for very different reasons ranging from science to planetary defence and commercial objectives (e.g., mining). Given the shared scientific and technological basis, all of these communities require knowledge and modelling capabilities of asteroid properties, as well as the capability to perform close
    Julia de
    León Cruz
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Participation of IAC in the AMS experiment
    The Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) is a general purpose high energy particle detector that was deployed to the International Space Station (ISS) on May 19, 2011 to conduct a unique long duration mission of fundamental physics research from outer space. Among the physics objectives of AMS are a search for Dark Matter and Antimatter, the study of
    García López
    Mónica Luisa
    Vázquez Acosta
    In force date
    Not in force
  • Integral field spectroscopy of Local HII regions. Templates for the study of extragalactic HII regions
    The connection between the small-scale structure of the HII regions and their integrated spectrum is largely unknown and the main source of uncertainty in the determination of chemical abundances. We propose a project that attempts to alleviate this situation by obtaining and studying, for the first time, integral field spectra of an extensive
    Esteban López
    In force date
    Not in force