Context. According to theory, high-energy emission from the coronae of cool stars can severely erode the atmospheres of orbiting planets. No observational tests...
A scenario of planet erosion by coronal radiation (Corrigendum)
In the notes to Table 1, a unit conversion was incorrect. The text should read 1 MJ Gyr-1 = 6.02e+13 g s-1. As a consequence in the 3rd paragraph of Sect. 3...
An X-ray study of the open clusters NGC 2451 A and B
We have conducted a detailed study of the object NGC 2451, which actually consists of two different open clusters A and B along the same line of sight at 206 pc...
Analysis of the chromosphere and corona of low-activity early-M dwarfs
While most of the exoplanets have been found orbiting around solar-type stars, low-mass stars have recently been recognized as ideal exo-life laboratory...
Analytical determination of coronal parameters using the period ratio P1/2P2
Context: In transverse coronal loop oscillations, two periodicities have been measured simultaneously and are interpreted as the fundamental kink mode (with...
Connection between planetary He I λ10 830 Å absorption and extreme-ultraviolet emission of planet-host stars
Context. The detection of the He I λ10 830 Å triplet in exoplanet atmospheres has opened a new window for probing planetary properties, including atmospheric...
AB Dor, Speedy Mic, and Rst 137B are in their early post-T Tauri evolutionary phase ( ~107 K toward the saturated-supersaturated boundary but a decline beyond...
Detailed Diagnostics of an X-Ray Flare in the Single Giant HR 9024
We analyze a 96 ks Chandra HETGS observation of the single G-type giant HR 9024. The high flux allows us to examine spectral line and continuum diagnostics at...