Application of the TRUFAS detection algorithm to the first two runs of CoRoT

Régulo, Clara; Almenara, Jose M.; Deeg, Hans J.
Referencia bibliográfica

Transiting Planets, Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union, IAU Symposium, Volume 253, p. 374-377

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TRUFAS is a wavelet-based algorithm developed for the rapid detection of planetary transits in the frame of the COROT space mission. We present the application of this algorithm to the first two observing fields of CoRoT data. In these, CoRoT has observed a total of about 20000 stars. The first CoRoT observing run, IRa01, covers 2 months, February and March 2007, followed by the 5-months long run LRc01. TRUFAS is a very fast algorithm delivering reliable detections. Here we show the results when TRUFAS was applied to these first two sets of data. In the first run, IRa01, TRUFAS found 10 planet candidates and 143 eclipsing binaries and in the LRc01 10 planet candidates and 124 binaries, with a processing that lasted only one night.