Pawlik, A. H.; Rahmati, A.; Schaye, J.; Jeon, M.; Dalla Vecchia, C.
Referencia bibliográfica
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 466, Issue 1, p.960-973
Fecha de publicación:
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We introduce a new suite of radiation-hydrodynamical simulations of
galaxy formation and reionization called Aurora. The Aurora simulations
make use of a spatially adaptive radiative transfer technique that lets
us accurately capture the small-scale structure in the gas at the
resolution of the hydrodynamics, in cosmological volumes. In addition to
ionizing radiation, Aurora includes galactic winds driven by star
formation and the enrichment of the universe with metals synthesized in
the stars. Our reference simulation uses 2 × 5123 dark
matter and gas particles in a box of size 25 h-1 comoving Mpc
with a force softening scale of at most 0.28 h-1 kpc. It is
accompanied by simulations in larger and smaller boxes and at higher and
lower resolution, employing up to 2 × 10243 particles,
to investigate numerical convergence. All simulations are calibrated to
yield simulated star formation rate functions in close agreement with
observational constraints at redshift z = 7 and to achieve reionization
at z ≈ 8.3, which is consistent with the observed optical depth to
reionization. We focus on the design and calibration of the simulations
and present some first results. The median stellar metallicities of
low-mass galaxies at z = 6 are consistent with the metallicities of
dwarf galaxies in the Local Group, which are believed to have formed
most of their stars at high redshifts. After reionization, the mean
photoionization rate decreases systematically with increasing
resolution. This coincides with a systematic increase in the abundance
of neutral hydrogen absorbers in the intergalactic medium.
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Dalla Vecchia
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