Detection of the [C I] λ8727 emission line. Low-ionization structures in NGC 7009

Akras, S.; Monteiro, H.; Walsh, J. R.; Konstantinou, L.; Gonçalves, D. R.; Garcia-Rojas, J.; Boumis, P.; Aleman, I.
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Astronomy and Astrophysics

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We report the first spatially resolved detection of the near-infrared [C I] λ8727 emission from the outer pair of low-ionization structures in the planetary nebula NGC 7009 from data obtained by the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer integral field unit. This atomic carbon emission marks the transition zone between ionized and neutral gas and for the first time offers direct evidence that LISs are photodominated regions. The outer LIS pair exhibits intense [C I] λ8727 emission, but He I λ8733 is absent. Conversely, the inner pair of knots shows both lines, likely due to the host nebula emission. Furthermore, the [C I] λ8727 line is absent in the host nebula emission, but He I λ8733 is present. Although the origin of the [C I] λ8727 line is still debated, its detection supports the scenario of photoevaporated dense molecular clumps.
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